Friday, July 31, 2009
I'm aliveee! :D
But my computer is still not back to normal :(
Also, I'm going to Washington D.C. tomorrow for the day. :D
Super excited!!
Anywho, more to come after that.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Reposting something super-duper important!

I'm sure you've all heard, and half of you are on, Twitter right now. As social media becomes increasingly relevant in today's culture, it's interesting to see how it can be used to help social activism.
I've made no secret of the fact that the genocide in Darfur is something I feel strongly about; the lack of empathy and regard for human life is ridiculous and needs to stop. However, it can only be stopped if attention is brought to it. And we're going to make it a topic.
How Twitter works is by using a #, it defines a word and sets it apart as a topic. All statements also have to be in a 140 character limit. So I've prepared for you 100 statements, hashtag included, about Darfur that are under 140 characters. 85 are posted today, and more will be on Monday.
On Wednesday, July 29th, (and the days after) I want you to tweet as many of these messages as you can.. space them out, come up with them of your own, tell your friends to... basically, make Darfur a topic. It's an easy way to make a change using the internet an bring attention to something that so desperately needs it.
If you repost this article in your blog, tweets & explanation, let me know and I will link you at the bottom of this post.
I have nothing to say about the facts, except that they are all verified and pretty much speak for themselves... when ironically, the Darfuri people can't.

What do 400,000+ people have in common? They were all murdered in the genocide in #Darfur
2) Ignoring the Holocaust didn’t make it go away. Save #Darfur.
3) To call #Darfur anything less than a genocide is ignorant to both the definition of genocide and the suffering of the victims.
4) The most meaningful characters you could type today: Save #Darfur.
5) There are currently 2.5 million refugees because of the genocide in #Darfur. Demand action.
6) Imagine living in a country where a girl is as likely to be sexually assaulted as she is to be able to learn to read. Save #Darfur.
7) Government using helicopters to light their own people on fire? Sounds like a movie, for some it’s reality. Save #Darfur.
8) The Sudanese government hired a private militia just to kill its own people. Save #Darfur.
9) Isn’t nine years of genocide in #Darfur enough? Call 1-800-genocid(e)
10) In #Darfur elders are sent to get water at night because girls are will be raped and men shot. There is no guarantee the elder is safe.
11) The famine in Sudan killed a lot of people, but the genocide it caused killed more. 400,000 more. Save #Darfur.
12) What do we want? A stop to genocide in #Darfur. When do we want it? Nine years ago.
13) Rape and genocide go hand & hand in #Darfur:
14) If a government is killing its own people, why on earth would they be allowed to chose where the refugee camp goes? Save #Darfur.
15) Water: we take it for granted, and yet a lack of it has lead to over 400,000 deaths in #Darfur.
16) Start a STAND chapter at your school today! Save #Darfur.
17) If the UN doesn’t call #Darfur genocide, they don’t have to stop the atrocities. Stop saving money and start saving lives.
18) When you invest in Sudanese oil, you are investing in genocide in #Darfur.
19) What kind of message does it send when we let a government kill its own people based on ethnicity? Save #Darfur.
20) A little apathy never hurt anyone... except the victims of #Darfur.
21) The people of #Darfur worry about famine& AIDS just like other 3rd world countries, but they also have to deal with genocide
22) Several current members of the Sudanese government have been charged with over ten counts of sexual assault. Save the women of #Darfur.
23) Many organizations currently consider #Darfur one of the most dangerous places on the planet.
24) "since the #Darfur Peace Agreement was signed in May 2006, attacks against peacekeepers and humanitarian workers have increased ninefold."
25) "90 per cent of the villages of Darfur’s targeted ethnic groups have been destroyed." Save #Darfur
26) re: "3.6 million people are dependent on international humanitarian assistance in #Darfur."
27) re: "A third of people [in #Darfur] in need are beyond the reach of humanitarian workers."
28) Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir states ‘there will not be any international military intervention in #Darfur as long as I’m in power’.
29) "The WHO has warned that a major health catastrophe could erupt if the necessary funds and supplies are not made available." Save #Darfur.
30) The ICC has "arrested" Sudanese president Al Bashir, but this is merely symbolic. Firm measures need to be taken. Save #Darfur.
31) "A hybrid UN-AU peacekeeping force is on the ground in #Darfur, although it remains underfunded, understaffed, and vulnerable to attacks."
32) Girls as young as eight are considered at high risk vulnerability levels for sexual assault in #Darfur.
33) People in #Darfur have an average of a three hour each way every night to get highly protected water.
34) Water is so heavily protected in #Darfur that night time trips are necessary to avoid being shot.
35) "For the first time since 2004, global acute malnutrition rates in #Darfur rose above the emergency threshold in 2007."
36) re: Unicef: "As of September 2008, 225 humanitarian vehicles have been hijacked or stolen during the year [in #Darfur]."
37) re: Unicef: “As of September 2008, 144 humanitarian compounds [have been] broken into [in #Darfur.]”
38) Attacks on convoys means that 180,000 people in #Darfur may not receive expected clean water supplies this year
39) How long the genocide in #Darfur has been going on for is disputed, but the fact that 100s of 100,000s have died isn’t.
40) Why should you care abou #Darfur? Why shouldn’t you care about #genocide?
41) Calling #Darfur a genocide is the difference between a UN intervention and political apathy. Call #Darfur what it really is.
42) Aid serves an important role in providing for the people of #Darfur, but it will not effectively address the root causes of the conflict.
43) Because Canada has no colonial ties to Sudan, it is in a prime position to help the people of #Darfur.
44) Because of the horrid conditions in #Darfur and the high rape rate, the infantcide levels have skyrocketted.
45) Sondra was a nine year old girl shot in the back of the neck when she was only two hours away from a refugee camp. Save #Darfur.
46) Machuk is a 12 year old boy who took care of 3 younger sisters. One day in #Darfur his town was lit on fire. He hasnt seen them since.
47) To see the damage done in #Darfur, check out google earth. It will show you what villages have been burned to the ground.
48) in #Darfur theres a religious belief that you cant kill a virgin. Unfortunately for young girls, the "solution" for this is rape.
49) In #Darfur, a girl wil sometimes have to go through a humiliating forced marriage before being raped several times and then shot.
50) Daoud was an elderly woman who was kicked so hard she died. She was trying to get water for her family. Save #Darfur.
51) #Darfur can be hard to understand because it is not a difference of skin colour, but the fact remains that people are still dying.
52) Genocide is the systematic killing of a people. #Darfur is the systematic killing of a people. Call #Darfur genocide.
53) Saving #Darfur will be difficult, but letting an entire type of people die due to apathy is unacceptable.
54) The Holocaust, Rwanda... didn’ we say never again to genocide? Save #Darfur.
55) As long as the genocide in #Darfur continues, it will be one of the biggest broken promises of the Western world.
56) Issa was a thirteen year old girl raped by four different soldiers, two from her own governement.
57) When two Canadian aids workers went missing, the news media mentioned Sudan but not the words genocide or #Darfur. Why the silence?
58) Demand more of your local media; write them and make them pay attention to what is happening in #Darfur.
59) Although Canada isnt a major world power, we are respected internationally for commitments to peacekeeping and human rights. Save #Darfur.
60) “Who the hell cared about Rwanda?” –Romeo Dallaire. Save #Darfur.
61) a collection of John Lennon covers with profits going to #Darfur!
62) Here’s how you can start a STAND chapter and help #Darfur!
63) "Having called what is happening in #Darfur genocide and having vowed to stop it, it is time for the West to keep its word" Romeo Dallaire
64) Why You Should Care: Save #Darfur
65) Genocide: See #Darfur.
66) "Dozens upon dozens of groups and organizations have prioritized stopping the killing in #Darfur before there is no one left to be killed."
67) "The UN has become a largely irrelevant, [...] and the just-released U.N. report on the atrocities in #Darfur, Sudan, proves the point."
68) "We all might ask ourselves why we tune in to these more trivial matters and tune out when it comes to #Darfur. " -Nicholas Kristof
69) "While Americans have heard of #Darfur and think we should be doing more there, they arent actually angry at the president about inaction. "
70) #Darfur is home to many races of farmers, who identify as African, and nomadic herders, who identify as Arab.
71) Janjaweed: an armed militia supported by the Sudanese Government to help the Sudanese army kill its own people. Save #Darfur.
72) "If a government shuts off all access to the country, how can we get a clear sense of the nature and extent of the violence?" Save #Darfur
73) How to get the Facts about #Darfur:
74) Every month I update my power point about #Darfur, yet the only thing that ever really changes is the death count numbers.
75) #Darfur is a region in Sudan that has been suffering from genocide for numerous years, yet is barely heard on the news.
76) #Darfur is one of the biggest tragedies of the 2st century -and one of the most ignored.
77) Take action in #Darfur, because the UN doesn't seem to be doing anything.
78) Unfortunately, because the UN Security Council has countries that trade with Sudan on it, it impedes action in #Darfur.
79) The people of #Darfur have enough to worry about without the genocide. This is unacceptable.
80) Support Bashir's arrest warrant, put strict trade sanctions on Sudanese oil, and return the displaced home.
81) Follow: @ExhibitDarfur, save #Darfur
82) Follow: @StandCanada, save #Darfur
83) Read: The Devil Came on Horseback, save #Darfur
84) Isa is a seven year old girl who will never know her parents because they both died when her village was lit on fire. Save #Darfur.
Friday, July 24, 2009
What I'M loving for fall

Oh, also, high socks. Just showing above your ankle boots, or knee or thigh length. Loving those.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Heat makes me reaaaallly slooww...

I should really do a REAL outfit post soon. I promise I will by August. :p The thing is, all my new things, I don't even have in my closet right now. See, I don't want to wear them a hundred times now in the summer, so that when school starts I feel like they're old and icky. So I'm having my mom keep them in the bags in her closet! At least until August. I feel like I dress so "summer" all the time. You know - lazy, boring. Shorts + t-shirt. Shorts + vneck. Shorts + tank. Yaaaay. x.X
Well, this is what I wore the other day. The short sweater is part of a twin set my mom had from the old days. I've got the matching cardigan in my closet, but I left her the matching pants. Apparently, twin sets were all the rage back in her day. I prefer to mix and match though. Anyways, I wore this around the house, but I had to change to go have lunch with my grandpa. (Haha!)
Sweater- was my mom's
Shorts- were a gift
I wasn't wearing anything else... no jewelry, and no shoes. I like going barefoot.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Update: Metallic Oxfords
Oooooh, shoes, why?

Saw them at Urban Outfitters (Kimchi Blue Metallic Oxford). And I want them soooo bad. And I'm fighting with myself on whether I should buy them or not... I do have a 10% off UO coupon...arrrgh. AAAAAH, I think I just might buy them. Unless my mom talks me out of it. What do you think? (For the record, I originally typed "what do y'all think" I don't think I'm that southern, but I do say y'all...)
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Is it just me, or is online browsing more fun than actually buying things?

All from Modcloth. My top 3 of these would be...
Row 1, 2nd from left
Row 2, first one
Row 3, middle
Any suggestions on good places to look for dresses (or any clothes) online?
Friday, July 17, 2009
Look for yourself!
Look for yourself!
Just thought I would encourage you to, it's really neat. She accessorizes differently every day, but the dress is the same.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Now that I've returned from my trip, let me tell you what I have brought back! Here's two of the 771 photos that we took... We got to the shopping center too early, so we were wandering around with the camera for an hour until we realized H&M was open at 11, and we didn't want to go put the camera back, so I have a bundle of photos from that day.
7 dresses
5 skirts
2 pairs of shorts
2 shirts
3 pairs of tights
a new bookbag for school
& some misc. accessories
I was in H&M for literally two and a half hours, left for lunch, and came back for another half hour. (You must remember though, that I've NEVER been to H&M before.) I LOVE H&M.
Then another day I hit up some vintage stores, but I only ended up getting two dresses, which I am not sure are really vintage, because the store they were from was sort of weird like that. Whatever, they're cute.
And while I was at the vintage stores, right down the block was American Apparel!!!!! I love their stuff and I didn't even know there was one where I was. I'd never been there before either. I got my new bookbag there along with some tights and a skirt. I was going to post a pic of the bag, but it's not on their website. Well, it's silver and shiny and even cooler and more awesome than sliced bread. I'll post a pic of mine eventually, probably when I'm using it for school. For now, dinner and naptime. :P
(In that pic, wearing an old aerie shirt, pacsun jeans, mom's old coasters, light years necklace, & old fossil purse. I don't know where the cami's from, it doesn't really matter.)
Mischief Managed
Let me tell you, these movies are spectacular. The effects! Brilliant. The whole setting of Hogwarts and pretty much everywhere else they go, breathtakingly gorgeous. But, oh my gosh, I swear, everyone came out of there with tears in their eyes. I won't give too many details, so I don't spoil it for anyone, but ooooh, the last scene, it's so pretty!
I haven't read the books in two or three years, but I did reread the Half Blood Prince in November, when the movie was still scheduled to come out in December. However, for me, all the books sort of blend together, so I can never pick out specific incidents that didn't make it into the movie. I always feel like "oh, maybe that was in a different book," or "maybe that already happened in another movie." This is probably due to the fact that I saw the first four or five movies before I read the books. ( :O ! I know! How could I?! - I thought I was being very rebellious or something; everyone else was reading them, so I wouldn't!) Although, that has made the movies equal to or at parts better than the books for me, because all the characters in my head when I read, have always been the actors in the movies. I like that.
Anyways, the point of talking about Harry Potter at all was to say, I saw this girl with a very cute shirt which I must make for myself. It was just a plain white v-neck, and on the front it said "I solemnly swear I'm up to no good" in this really neat, Harry Potter-esqe writing (it makes sense to me...) and on the back it said "Mischief managed" OOH it was sooo cute! My friends and I were so jealous. I want to make myself one now. I need to find a white vneck :P Or maybe an offwhite one. I have some sort of aversion to wearing white shirts. I don't really know why.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Let me paint you a picture...
I'll let the colors run, it dries and then it's done.
And we'll go to the market and sell it.
(The Market)
Completely, 100% unedited. Because I am lazy. Well, I did crop it, but that's not really editing.

The Hush Sound Dance Across the Country Tour tee,
Used to be mom's high waisted skirt,
Used to be her flats too,
Shades, flea market for a quarter
Pocketwatch necklace, flea market, $1 + a chain I already had
Tea + Shirts

My favorite is this one with the panda. He's so cute!! Although I'd be more likely to buy the one just above it, because v-necks look better on me.
If you could only buy 2 things for the rest of your life...
What would you buy?
This is, of course, in terms of clothing. don't have to say shoes, because I'm not counting those as "clothing" :P
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
H&M, DMs, & Magazines
And the city I'm going to has an H&M! Which is awesometastic because there isn't one in my whole state, I'm not sure about the ones next to it. So I'll finally get to see what all the fuss is about, and I'm super excited. I hope it lives up to my expectations! :D
I love magazines too. You know, they have a lot of great ideas. Not a lot of things you can actually do, they're either a little to outrageous or too expensive (as in the really adorable outfit I saw on Emma Watson in Teen Vogue, that I do believe cost over $5000), but lots of good ideas. Perhaps I'll share some pages or pics later. :)
For now, I'm off to try my new coconut milk ice cream. Yummy! (I hope?)
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
My background image doesn't want to show up either. So, more changes to come... eventually. If you have any suggestions, I'm taking them. :) Post a comment or send an email, or whatever. :D
Finishing the layout, finally
Monday, July 6, 2009
Inky Pinky
As always... click the pic to make it bigger!

Used-to-be-Mom's black slip
Plain old black tights
Black ballet flats, Forever 21, $8
Opinions welcome! Post your comments, however long or short, positive or negative, below by clicking on COMMENTS. Thank you :)
Sunday, July 5, 2009
UPDATE: White Doc Martens
Oh yes, by the way, I'm leaving on Saturday until late Tuesday. I will be doing a LOT of shopping. I mean a lottttt. I'm going on a huge shopping spree. :D So hopefully my new DMs will be in by the time I leave so I can try on new clothes with them.
More shoes! (Doc Martens again)
Lots of posts today! I just saw these fantastic DMs on eBay, and couldn't resist sharing! I want them more than I want white ones, but I really am not going to pay $200 for them. 100 maybe, but not 200. Aren't they super amazing? I want them so badly!!
I'm also watching these blue ones, but I still want white ones more. If these go cheap enough, I'll get both. :)
A peek into the closet...

but I don't have nearly as many dresses as I'd like. I love dresses.

Shoes. Shoes. Shoes. OMG. Shoes.
I have decided that without a pair of white Doc Martens I will surely die. I'm currently watching an ebay auction on them, but if it gets too high I'll have to try another time.
I considered pink or blue, but those are just too difficult to coordinate and I would end up rarely wearing them. I also thought about black, but that's a little bit too dark for me, you know? I like black ones in general, just not for me. Actually, I like almost all Doc Martens in general.
And I was surfing the Urban Outfitters website today too. I saw some shoes I like there as well....

Yes, I know that those are black, but they're not quite as much as DMs are. And I like the striped ones just because they're plain but not plain. Does that make sense at all? Probably not.
I will leave you with this video which I just thought of, that I haven't seen in probably three years. It's about shoes. (There's a little skit at the beginning, if you want to skip it, just go ahead to 1:00) ALSO! There's some profanity. So if you're concerned, I would maybe turn your volume down so it's quieter or something.