Kimchi Blue lace skirt and boots, Wal-mart top, my father's socks
On days when I'm drawing a blank, I tend to go towards the ever faithful, always trustworthy black skirt. Never mind the fact that various black skirts make up half my wardrobe! This one is new. It's
lace. I didn't particularly feel this way when I was wearing this outfit, but looking back on it, I think it seems like I could be plopped right into Howl's Moving Castle. The conclusion I draw from this idea is that I love this outfit. I've mentioned before that I'm a huge Hayao Miyazaki fan. Huge. I could go on about the reasons he's my favorite for ages, but I'll spare you for now. Since I would love my life to be just like one of his movies, most especially Howl's Moving Castle (it's not my favorite film of his, but it's the one I'd like to live in), and I think this outfit has that kind of feel to it, I am much more pleased with it looking back than I was originally. Does anyone else even see it, though?
Lovin' the simple all black casual look! I own about a dozen black skirts too... I love this one though! The lace definitely makes this outfit.
I haven't seen that movie yet, I heard about it a while ago from a friend... will definitely check it out! ;)
what a cute skirt + love the shoes!
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