Saturday, August 7, 2010

A perfect day, somewhat like today

Target sweater vest as dress, vintage/gifted necklace, alligator ring from Alabama boutique, other ring gifted

Sometimes you've gotta be a little creative. This XL sweatervest was screaming my name from the sale rack early last week. I couldn't resist. I expect it will get much wear in the colder months, if I can find some nice things to layer it with. All I know is that it is extremely comfy and I think it makes a cute dress. I've already worn it three times since I got it, when the temperature was just right. Now the heat's back up again though, and even this short sleeveless number is too hot...probably because it's a sweater.


fashion clocked said...

cool oversized sweater and the necklace is so sweet!call by sometime! fashion clocked Katie.xx

Sofia said...

i love oversized sweaters (: and the colors of yours are fantastic!!

Allison said...


Hannah said...

Lovely setting and I really love what you're wearing.

Enjoy your week,
Hannah x