Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The First Fancy Friday

Blouse from some miscellaneous department store, H&M shorts, vintage belt, those old heels I wear all the time
I just realized I didn't share this shot from the very first Fancy Friday of the year! That was two or three weeks ago! So here it is. I was very much satisfied with it, I picked it days in advance, before picking my first day of school outfit even. I'm still pleased with it. It was very comfortable, too, even with heels and a strapless bra. Yes. A very nice simple chic outfit.

Monday, August 30, 2010

A Mighty Stranger

Thrifted top, H&M skirt, Steve Madden sandals, vintage watch
Here's an outfit from a week or so ago. Worn to school, of course. Where else do I go? I really like this top. As always with this skirt, I feel uncomfortable sitting in it due to its length, but when I wear it I just overlook that because it's really cute. Sorry my hand is blocking the detail, it wraps around. There's plenty of photos with this skirt around the blog already, though, if you care to look. By the way, this is my one vintage watch that works! It's fun to have a working watch even though I still end up looking at the clocks on the wall.

Monday, August 23, 2010

You Stop, Life Moves On

H&M skirt, super old American Eagle button up, handmade heart spinner necklace by chinacherie via Etsy, K-mart sandals

It's Monday. I slept for a long, long time this weekend, but I am still exhausted. Here is an atypical lazy Monday at school outfit. I never wear this shirt. I've shown it once before on the blog, but in general it's not a favorite in my wardrobe. It's mega comfy though. And I love my $10 K-mart sandals. I get tons of compliments on them- no one knows the truth! ...except you guys.
About an hour after these shots (thanks Allison & Norah!), during the middle of practice, it started pouring rain. I like the rain (although I hate driving in heavy rains like today). Rain gives me a lovely excuse to play Steel Train loudly and wear sweaters in the summertime (I've changed into a nice warm sweater). I want to find the socks I've been missing for the last few weeks, and steal another pair of my father's that I've had my eye on. Hopefully socks will be involved tomorrow. Or at least a sweater. It's supposed to cool down by several degrees.
Here is a delicious dessert I made with one of my best friends. We baked brownies, then two minutes before they were done, took them out, put marshmellows on top, and finished baking. The marshmellows fluffed out like smores over the brownies - it tasted heavenly!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Systematic honey

McQ Alexander McQueen Batwing Scoop Neck Knit Top      $354.75
See by Chloé Bow Print Cuffed Shorts      $181.50
Mentor Lace Up Wedge Ankle Boot      $313.50
Kenneth Jay Lane Disco Ball Crystal & Jet Cocktail Ring      $135.30
Laura Lee Jewellery Number Necklaces each      $178.20

Saturday, August 21, 2010

How to Steal His Shirt

I'm a big fan of wearing men's shirts. They're comfy, and they can be very cute! Personally, I only buy men's clothes on sale or borrow them from my brother or father, though. They go on sale fairly often, and I don't want to bother browsing the entire men's section when I'm already searching the women's! But I definitely recommend trying out a men's shirt. They are amazing, and any girl of any body type can rockthe men's shirt!

The key is to pair it with girlier, more form-fitting outfits. The same general fashion rules apply - color coordinate, mix patterns if that's what you want, etc - but it's essential that you maintain a feminine figure when wearing menswear. Otherwise, you'll get looks in the street and hear people whisper "Is that a boy?" when you walk by. So add a belt, show some leg, or use girly colors and prints.
Of course, possibly the most important part of the outfit is the shoes. Don't wear men's shoes with your men's shirt! Even if the rest of your look is very manly, cute little shoes will give you a touch that says "I'm totally pulling this off - it's not a lazy day." And when in doubt, choose heels over flats.
And, with all fashion advice, it's important to remember that you can break the rules! Experiment with your menswear and see what works for you.
(The clothes in the images are from Urban Outfitters and Ruche)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Target v-neck, H&M skirt, Kimchi Blue metallic oxfords, alligator ring from a boutique in Muscle Shoals, thumb ring a gift from Cairo, vintage watch

I went for both of my go-to items today: my comfy gray v-neck and my favorite black skirt. Come to think of it, all THREE go-to's - my metallic oxfords, too!
I couldn't find my men's dress socks that I wanted to wear, which is kind of upsetting to me- I need to find those soon, they're so amazingly comfy and awesome. I'm over that for now though because I love this outfit. It's nothing special but it is my three favorite things, plus my new (ish) alligator ring and a ring that one of my best friends gave me. Everything is good.
Here's my dear friend Avery, who took my photos today. I thought she looked extra cute today. She's the only person I know that rocks Wallabees with real clothes instead of sweats. Plus, I don't know if you can tell, but the stitching on the shirt (there's a word to describe it that's escaping me at the moment) is sweet.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

She reads fortunes out loud

Threadless Cheshire t-shirt, thrifted/DIY skirt, vintage belt, Kimchi Blue metallic oxfords, vintage watch, miscellaneous rings

This skirt is really very, very purple. It looks kind of blue in these photos, but it's quite purple. Anyways, today I discovered that my poor metallic oxfords are falling apart (more so than I realized). It's really quite depressing- they're my favorite shoes. ...That's probably the reason they're so worn down, but it is still very unfortunate. I don't know what to do.
I went for something a little different than usual today, I did the loosest shirt-tuck ever with a belt peeking out underneath, and piled on quite a few rings; I'm sorry I didn't think to get a close-up. And I did this left side french braid which I think looked better in my head as a concept than it ended up looking in real life. Overall though, this outfit was comfy and nice and I liked it. Thanks again to my friend Allison for the photos!

Monday, August 16, 2010

George Mallory and the Northern Approach

Forever 21 floral top, American Apparel skirt, unknown gladiators, hammered heart necklace from Urban Outfitters

I can't remember if these sandals are Steve Madden or not. I got them awhile ago. Anyways, yes, here's my outfit from today - photos courtesy of my dear friend Allison. School is already somewhat stressful, but I'm not going to let it get me down. Today, in addition to derivatives, penal systems, death zones and sample sizes, I learned that warm colors really aren't my thing. I just wasn't feeling this beige-brown-tan color combination. I don't feel as comfortable without a bit of black or gray in my outfit. Don't get me wrong, I actually really like this shirt and this skirt, but neither are my favorite thing, you know? It's good to try things, though.
I implore you to check out my tumblr for oodles of inspiration and especially the Shape Shiftr Hieroglyph collection I posted there earlier today. As for me, I must start on my homework. Expect looks every day this week.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


I am absolutely in love with Nadia's blog Frou Frouu! I know everyone already loves her, but she is the most inspiring fashion blogger I've come across on the web, so I'm going to talk about her. Besides the fact that the girl is gorgeous, she has got her own unique style that she pulls off perfectly. She knows exactly how to dress for herself. While I'd love to try out some of her outfits for a day, and of course there are many items I'd die to get from her closet (that sweater! those pants!), the way that she puts things together is only for her. No one would be able to pull off the same looks if they tried. She is the definition of "personal style."
Plus, she knows how to put together the perfect color palette. Exactly when she needs a dash of color. She rocks menswear the right way, and she knows just how much accessorizing she needs to perfect her outfit.
I'm definitely going to be pulling inspiration from Nadia during the cold weather seasons, though in small doses.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

An Estival Mood

Photos by Lara Alegre, Amanda Mason, Oliver Bryce Yates (click image to go to source)

I'm definitely missing summer vacation! I regret not spending more time outside/at the beach/at the pool/knitting...you get the idea. Unfortunately, I've already got tons to do, but hopefully after cleaning and babysitting today, I'll be able to forget all about it, pretend it's still summer, emulate the girl in the first photo, and go swimming with some friends tomorrow.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Polka Dotted

H&M top, skirt made by me, Kimchi Blue metallic oxfords, Herschel Supply Co. bookbag

For the first day of actual classes, I put together this little polka-dotted fiesta. One of my teachers told me that I looked "very Mad Men" which, although I've never actually watched it, I know it's semi-known for good style, isn't it?
Ignore the flat curls and overall sweaty appearance- it was hot today! They even had to cancel all sports practices. After these pictures were taken I spent the next hour standing outside on the patio behind me working on a project (yes, already!). So I was drenched in sweat by the time I got to head home, even without having practice. Ah, well. I'm off to eat some bean tacos and go school supply shopping. Then maybe I'll think about homework.

For future reference

The white riding button up, skirt, watch, middle finger ring and heels are all my mother's, the ring as a necklace is my father's, and the thumb ring is from Light Years

My mom thinks it's funny when I wear her clothes. I do, too. She has a lot of very nice stuff, but her style is completely different from mine. All the stuff I wear of hers she never, ever wears nowadays though. Which is why, when I do my annual search of her closet in the summer, I always find new, fabulous things that I'd never noticed before. Exhibit A: this skirt! I love it! The length is definitely weird for me, but it's good to switch things up a bit sometimes. I mean, look at that belt!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

First Day of School

Forever 21 top, skirt made by me, vintage belt, italian bread bag from Planet, Urban Outfitters necklace and studded flats

It was sort of my first day of school today. No real class, but I still had to go in and see all my teachers and sort things out. It's kind of sucky because it's like there's two first days, therefore I need two first-day-worthy outfits. I still don't know what I'm wearing tomorrow! So I've got to go figure that out.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Back to School (Already?)

I always get in the mood to make these kinds of things at this time of year. I go back to school in just two days! I can't believe summer flew by so quickly. I still have a little bit more shopping I'd like to do (mainly for shoes and underwear) but I doubt it'll get done before school starts. I also need a new pair of sheer black tights because unfortunately, I got a huge hole in mine.
That Herschel Supply Co. bag is the one I ordered last week; it's scheduled to arrive on the first day of school, and I'm really excited. They didn't have gray, but I decided mauve was just as good. I could use a little color, because other than that I'm feeling lots of black and white, as usual. I'm still completely in love with the Proenza Schouler Pre-Fall 2010 collection; it may just be my favorite of all time. That'll probably rub off a little bit on me this season. Also, on a related note, I'm still totally on board with the socks and shoes trend.
Of course, all of this will have to wait until it actually cools down to some sort of reasonable temperature. I remember on the first day of school last year, I wore a superthin spaghetti strap top with my shortest skirt and gladiators, and I was still burning! It doesn't really cool off around here until late September. But we do fluctuate a lot from day to day, so hopefully there'll be some cool days mixed in.
For now, I've got to go finish reading Life of Pi and do my summer assignment for French class, which, in the spirit of summer, I've been putting off until the last week.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

A perfect day, somewhat like today

Target sweater vest as dress, vintage/gifted necklace, alligator ring from Alabama boutique, other ring gifted

Sometimes you've gotta be a little creative. This XL sweatervest was screaming my name from the sale rack early last week. I couldn't resist. I expect it will get much wear in the colder months, if I can find some nice things to layer it with. All I know is that it is extremely comfy and I think it makes a cute dress. I've already worn it three times since I got it, when the temperature was just right. Now the heat's back up again though, and even this short sleeveless number is too hot...probably because it's a sweater.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Harper's Bazaar: August 1949

Scans from Harper's Bazaar August 1949 by me

In honor of going back to school on Wednesday, I'm sharing some scholarly fashion advice from 1949. This is definitely what I'd like to wear all fall long! Think tweed, wool, pleats and plaid - in neutral shades of gray and beige. Be sure to take note of the oh so chic "small, smooth hair-dos" in the first two images.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Toe to toe

Target dress, vintage belt, random black heels, gifted necklace

It was pretty rainy last week. I got this dress awhile ago, and I really love it, but it isn't the most flattering on me, as far as height goes. But I don't care that much. Who needs to look tall all the time?