Friday, September 11, 2009

Oh no!

My dad left today for a trip - and took the camera with my memory card with him! Obviously, he did not mention this to me before he did so, and just waltzed on into my room while I was at school and took it!
I was seriously about to post up ALL the pictures I have thus far (which is a fair number) and then later this weekend I was going to catch up (recreate the outfits I wore so far that I didn't get the chance to photograph) but now I can do NEITHER! D:

But on the bright side ~ my birthday is tomorrow! Yay!! :)
I'm not doing anything special really, I'm "too old for parties" (is it possible? My mother thinks so. I however, disagree.) and I already did my birthday shopping over the summer hehe. But still, it's exciting! Because I'm a youngun compared to most of my friends.

liste de choses à faire:
1. Acheter un nouveau mascara
2. Finir mes devoirs :(
3. Coupe de cheveux
4. Coudre un chapeau
5. Dormir beaucoup
(Je suis tres tres bien a francais, n'est-ce pas? :p)
Gotta give me credit though, the only thing I looked up was "sew" :)

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