I must confess: I'm a big fan of his anime movies!
I was talking to my friend the other day about Totoro because she had seen an umbrella with his head on it! (Which I would kill for, by the way.) She said it had eyes and little ears sticking out the top. But Google didn't find any :(
I have seen all but 1 of his movies, I believe. (The one I haven't yet seen is The Castle of Cagliostro, is it good?) But I haven't seen any of his series. And I just recently found out he's made Shorts, all of which I need to see soon.
Anyways, I wanted to share his magic with you because - honest to God - I can trace back where I am now and where I want to go in my life to one moment. And that is when I saw the movie Kiki's Delivery Service.

I swear, this movie changed my life. Not really because of a super-inspiring plot or anything like that, but - I don't know exaclty how to explain, but it was a big chain of events following from that moment which have made me who I am today.
His other movies are just amazing as well. He is just so fantastic. I'll admit, I saw Howl's Moving Castle before I read the book - but I read the sequel too!

I shall rank my favorites, and you shall watch them all:
1. My Neighbor Totoro
2. Kiki's Delivery Service
3. Howl's Moving Castle
4. Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
5. Spirited Away
6. Laputa: Castle in the Sky
7. Princess Mononoke
8. Porco Rosso
(Ponyo is unranked as I have not been to see it yet! I've been too busy, but hopefully I'll go this weekend.)
The only one I saw in the theater was Howl's Moving Castle, the others are too old. I could watch them all over and over again ~ also, it's very hard for me to decide whether Proco Rosso or Princess Mononoke should be last, they're very close for me, and they are the ones which I remember least of :(
I really just want a Totoro. I think it would just be the best thing ever to find a Totoro and be able to sit on its belly and play with it and be best friends.

P.S. If you know which of the movies the title of this post if from, and I'll love you forever.
Oh my god I am a hige fan of studio ghibli movies! The title is from Howl's Moving Castle, right? Totoro is my absolute favourite too, probably because the characters are so cute and round and fluffy! But I also really love Princess Mononoke, Nausicaa, Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle :D
Yay~ :) That's right!
It's hard to choose a favorite because they're all so good!
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