(via Elenita, Streetpeeper, Little Plastic Horses, Late Afternoon)
Hope you guys enjoyed the little trip to the past in the last post as much as I did! Again, Happy New Year!
"Marlene Dietrich never shied away from a trouser suit, nor a blazer. The captivating Vanja likewise enjoys a well-tailored jacket. Here she references the British country ‘side by side’ with a 1950’s biker look. Her classic blazer becomes more interesting when she adds the twist of cardigans on top of the classic garment instead of on the inside, as most commonly worn. Enhancing her petit waist with a braided belt adds the attentiveness needed for the look." - Kristina Ketola on the middle lookI promise new outfit posts are coming soon. I went shopping at the new outlet mall yesterday, and found a bundle of lovely new things (including more pants! Not just pants, but jeans). Hopefully you'll see something tomorrow; if not, the day after. I'm trying!