Black Target cardigan, hipster triangle t-shirt from Urban Outfitters, Delia*s jeans
Yeah, this isn't even my shirt. I bought it though. I bought it for my friend Avery when Urban Outfitters was having a big sale. It was only $5. It's from the men's section. All the good stuff is there. But yeah, I slept over at her house last night, and I wasn't planning on that, so I didn't really have any clothes to wear. I'm not going to bother you with yesterday's outfit either, it was these jeans and this cardigan and a black Joe Bonamassa t-shirt. And I wore my studded flats with both outfits. Because I had just cleaned out my car, and thus had no extra change of clothes in it. I should put some in there. ...Also, I've noticed that my photos are all in the kitchen. Probably because it has lots of counters to set my camera on. Getting the tripod set up is a pain.