Sunday, October 31, 2010

As much as an apple doth an oyster

Wal-mart top, H&M denim skirt, Kimchi Blue boots, black socks
I don't particularly like this skirt, it's not really my style. It's fun to wear sometimes, but you really need the right occasion, which I have yet to find. It's not comfortable, as I'm sure you can tell. This is a really old outfit that I forgot to share with you.
Happy Halloween! I didn't get the chance to really dress up this year (at school on Friday I was Mrs. White from Clue, with a couple friends as the other characters) because of all the business involved with Taming of the Shrew. We just ended today. Phew! It was exhausting but really a lot of fun.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Sun it is not

Vintage Ann Taylor dress, vintage belt
This outfit is based on three things:
1. It was opening night for The Taming of the Shrew, and I was told to dress up. I take that literally (as Barney from How I Met Your Mother "suits up," I "dress up") because I'm considered dressed up usually.
2. It was opening night for The Taming of the Shrew, and I was exhausted. Therefore, a simple black dress and flats.
3. It was opening night for The Taming of the Shrew, and I was inspired to put on this big red belt by the Commedia dell'arte version that we are putting on. Our version is similar to this one, if you're curious. That's not the best clip from that performance, but it'll do. Lots of slapstick humor, very funny!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


(Lina Scheynius, Tristan Legros, Clara Ledwith, Kydeeva)
While I've been stuck putting together "inspiration" posts, I've realized something about them. I have my tumblr, and most of these images end up there at some point, but it's different with real blog posts. I'm arranging these images together, picking which ones to include or leave out, and what order to place them in. For me, the goal is to depict an overall mood or state of mind.

I work very hard to create these inspiration posts, even modifying color pictures to be black and white (this is the case for one of the shots above) to achieve the desired effect. In the end, I am often more inspired by the "feel" of something than the actual thing itself, especially when it comes to fashion. While many times I want to steal a look right off the model's back, I often decide that what I really want is a look with the same essence. I'm not sure if what I'm saying is making any sense, but basically, it is your mood that creates the outfits and stylings (although of course these have an influence on your mood).

If the goal of getting dressed is to present yourself to the world, which I believe it is, then you can never go wrong. Whether you are wearing seven inch heels and the latest designer trends or sweatpants and flip flops from the dollar store, you are showing the world who you are. Of course, you may not be giving the impression that you want to give, but let's face it, you can tell a lot from the way someone dresses. As long as you are dressing yourself, you are showing the essence of you at that moment. Whether it is defined completely or confused or lazy, that is part of your essence.

Well, now that I'm wondering if I'm being too cheesey or even making sense at all, I think I'll head off to bed. Or at least to write this english paper.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Quelque chose d'autre

(Studded Hearts, Irina Gusakova, Pepper and Chips)
I want to include that third image in this group, but I wish the colors were a bit warmer, as if it was sunset or something.
I've finally determined that the battery for my camera is the problem (or I at least think so); it must be completely shot. Therefore, I'll be ordering a replacement soon. It's killing me to not take outfit pictures every day.

Monday, October 25, 2010


(Taghrid, Little Plastic Horses, Pruginko, Studded Hearts, Olga Onischenko - click through)
First the play will be over, then a week later Cross Country, and hopefully by the week after that my college applications will be completely finished. After that, I'd like to reorganize my bedroom and bathroom cabinets. Then, I want to take a lovely long-weekend vacation up to the countryside. And read books and drink sweet tea and wear girly things and bicycle around leisurely and watch the leaves turn.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Stella McCartney

Stella McCartney Resort 2011

I'm trying not to fall completely off the face of the earth while my camera is broken. The unfortunate thing is that I've actually had several really cute outfits in the last week. I'll have to recreate them once my camera is fixed - that is, if I can remember them.
Today I was reading a bit of the new Elle magazine and kept noticing Stella McCartney things that I really loved all over the place. Here's a bit of the Resort collection - I'm digging it. I think my favorite might be the second floral dress (darker with longer sleeves). What's your favorite look?

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Things in common

(Room 907, Kydeeva, Elisabeth-Isabelle)
My camera is broken still; I'm trying to figure out what to do, but these two weeks are always the busiest and most stressful of my entire year. To hold you over, here are three shots I'm totally loving at the moment. They've all got a similar feel... don't you think?

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Acne Jumper $280.50
Farhi by Nicole Farhi Pollock & Confetti Dress $264.00
Swarovski Crystal Evolution Mushroom Ring $132.00
Deena & Ozzy Glitter Oxford $48.00

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fannie Heck

Banana Republic cardigan, Wal-mart top, J.Crew skirt, Ann Marino heels, ring courtesy of Jewelry Art Designs, Chinacherie spinner necklace via Etsy
I took some film shots with Avery a week or two ago. We were going to go to a movie, but somehow we managed to get lost, so instead we hit up a Starbucks and took some photos in the rain.

Monday, October 18, 2010

English Dramas

Banana Republic cardigan, H&M top, J.Crew skirt, Ann Marino heels
Over fall break, I went shopping with three of my best friends and then went on a date to the movies. Bows and polka dots, pretty girly today, yeah? I'm fine with that.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Autumn Sun

UK Vogue October 2010
Remembering this popular spread. Sorry if you've already seen it a ton, but the more I look at it, the more I love it! Right now my life is driven by hopes that when this is done or that is done, then I will be able to go on crazy adventures with my friends. I'm so ready to relax and have some fun.


Old Navy sweater, H&M skirt, MIA Girl boots
I went out shopping with my mother, and get this - I bought pants! I don't want to say any more, you'll have to wait and see!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

State Fair

Cat skirt made by me, Nollie v-neck, HUE knee high socks, Forever 21 coat, Kimchi Blue lace up boots
I'm in the mood for tons of photos, including some silly ones, representing tons of fun at the fair yesterday. This is what I wore, and I'm almost certain that I was the only person wearing a skirt there! I was perfectly comfortable on all the rides though. And I realized fall really has arrived - it got really cold after around nine or ten o'clock.
It's always so interesting to see all the different people at the fair. Since I'm from the capital city area, even in a southern state, I'm not all that southern. But people who come to the fair will sometimes come from hours and hours away! I'm talking thick accents, tons of camouflage and insane amounts of barbeque. Those are the people who stare at my cat skirt in confusion as we pass each other.
The vertical drop ride is insanely scary, by the way. I was so scared that I couldn't even scream. Going up, I was just fine, but then we sat there for a minute, way up in the air, several stories high. That's when I started to freak out, and then we dropped. Oh man! It was fun though! All the rides are fun. I think the Zipper might have been my favorite.

Friday, October 15, 2010


N_53_15_343 Raleigh Times News Carriers Aug 24, 1914
(Richlands 1939, Raleigh Times New Carriers 1914, Raleigh date unknown, Richlands 1939)
In honor of the State Fair (which I'm attending today!) here are some pictures from the North Carolina State Archives. I love to look at these photos! They're so interesting. I couldn't find any pictures of the actual fair though, so the pig will have to suffice. It's crazy to see photos of places that I recognize and see how different they are now, like this photo of the Capital Building from 1925.
Major apologies for the total lack of outfit posts; it's fall break, I haven't had too many outfits going on. I promise one by tomorrow! And look forward to the film that Avery and I just got back.