(Lina Scheynius, Tristan Legros, Clara Ledwith, Kydeeva)While I've been stuck putting together "inspiration" posts, I've realized something about them. I have
my tumblr, and most of these images end up there at some point, but it's different with real blog posts. I'm arranging these images together, picking which ones to include or leave out, and what order to place them in. For me, the goal is to depict an overall mood or state of mind.
I work very hard to create these inspiration posts, even modifying color pictures to be black and white (this is the case for one of the shots above) to achieve the desired effect. In the end, I am often more inspired by the "feel" of something than the actual thing itself, especially when it comes to fashion. While many times I want to steal a look right off the model's back, I often decide that what I really want is a look with the same essence. I'm not sure if what I'm saying is making any sense, but basically, it is your mood that creates the outfits and stylings (although of course these have an influence on your mood).
If the goal of getting dressed is to present yourself to the world, which I believe it is, then you can never go wrong. Whether you are wearing seven inch heels and the latest designer trends or sweatpants and flip flops from the dollar store, you are showing the world who you are. Of course, you may not be giving the impression that you want to give, but let's face it, you can tell a lot from the way someone dresses. As long as you are dressing yourself, you are showing the essence of you at that moment. Whether it is defined completely or confused or lazy, that is part of your essence.
Well, now that I'm wondering if I'm being too cheesey or even making sense at all, I think I'll head off to bed. Or at least to write this english paper.