Sunday, October 31, 2010

As much as an apple doth an oyster

Wal-mart top, H&M denim skirt, Kimchi Blue boots, black socks
I don't particularly like this skirt, it's not really my style. It's fun to wear sometimes, but you really need the right occasion, which I have yet to find. It's not comfortable, as I'm sure you can tell. This is a really old outfit that I forgot to share with you.
Happy Halloween! I didn't get the chance to really dress up this year (at school on Friday I was Mrs. White from Clue, with a couple friends as the other characters) because of all the business involved with Taming of the Shrew. We just ended today. Phew! It was exhausting but really a lot of fun.

1 comment:

Eleanor M said...

I loooove this outfit—especially the skirt, even if it isn't really your style. :)