Friday, December 25, 2009

Happy holidays

Merry Christmas! :D

My family is pretty much done with Christmas now... we opened presents earlier, around 8:30, then the delicious cinnamon rolls from my great grandmother's recipe followed by my brother and I playing Mario on the Wii (yesterday evening I started playing and now I'm on level 7! There's only 8 levels!). Oh yeah, I'm also taking pictures of everything with my NEW CAMERA. :D :D :D I also got the velvet driving gloves I wanted which I am super psyched about. And a bath pillow!

My boyfriend knows me so well too! He got me a music box ornament that plays Deck the Halls, a Where the Wild Things Are coloring book and a gorgeous necklace from Urban Outfitters. Which is my favorite store but is also at least 45 minutes away! He's so thoughtful! Hopefully he likes what I got him.

And of course my extended family sent lots of cash/checks so when Parkker and I go shopping on Sunday we can have a blast :) (Some of it I'm going to save though, because I'm planning on going to Atlanta when we drop Kyle off at school again, and there's an H&M there. They're opening one here but not until the spring, so I need to stock up on stuff before everyone and their mom has it. :p)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Never forget

Chopping down treetops; tree after tree

"I'm bleeding!"

Big Sweaters

"You have a belt? I have a belt!"
I went over to Avery's after school today for an hour or so. We did a photoshoot in her treehouse, even though it's not really a treehouse. I guess it's more of a playhouse. Whatever it is, more pictures will come later, I don't have them all because most of them are on her camera and she hasn't sent them to me yet. I think I'm going to go bake cookies and/or clean my room, and then study for my APES midterm tomorrow. So I'll post the photos later tonight or tomorrow. (P.S. We didn't plan to wear big sweaters! It was a coincidence! How funny is that?)

Monday, December 14, 2009

It's really misty outside today.

The last one is my favorite, as per usual. Also, pictures unedited, as per usual. I'm still not sure why she was wearing the box. She was walking around the room with it on when I came into math class. And then she put it on when we left. I find her quite entertaining.

(It's cutting off the right edges of the photos, and I'm too lazy to fix it at the moment, so I'm sorry! Here's the last picture in a smaller version, because it's cut off a lot in the bigger one.)

les examens cette semaine

I've been neglecting my blogger blog because I've found that Tumblr is so much easier. But I like blogger better still. I'm just too busy to make a decent post. So, make sure to check out my tumblr, it's mostly just inspirational photos and etc. But I think they're nice.

I'm terribly busy this week, and I should be right now. I have midterms this week. Awful. My hardest two are tomorrow - AP US History and Precalculus. Wednesday is really great though, I won't have any trouble with AP Environmental Science or Health. Looking forward to that. And lastly, on Thursday I have AP English and French. Both of those will be fine, I'm sure. Not too easy, but certainly not too hard either.

Anyways, I really need to go learn Precal, because there is no way I am passing the test at this point. And I wish I was exaggerating, but I'm not.

I'll post photos from my photoshoot with Avery after school in a few minutes though.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Locking you out?

Lots of doorknobs... plain white door and wall. I don't know, I like it.


I like this picture.

Friday, December 11, 2009


Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A couple of photos I like

By the way, a lot of the stuff I post, just click on the photo to go to the original source, or as far back as I can trace it.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Swans in a lake

I love what this girl is wearing too...

Clothes and buildings are the same kind of thing sometimes.

Click photos for sources.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Friday, December 4, 2009

Just jump.

"November things..."

Thursday, December 3, 2009

not sure what to title this.

Fall is red... like autumn


Pepper and Chips

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


caught in the slightest wind, everything else unravels

Another shoot after school with Avery. I enjoy these tights immensely.

Of course she always seems to look cuter than me even when she's being lazy.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

1 more from today.

I am terribly busy, and I am a procrastinator, but I promise, there will be a FLOOD of new posts within the next week and a half.

afterschool photoshoot

Black cardigan, Target $20
White vneck, Pacsun $4 (I love sales!)
Necklace, Urban Outfitters
Pink skirt, Urban Outfitters
White tights, target $5
Black studded flats, Urban Outfitters ~$20

I'm not sure what brand Avery's cute new sweater is, sorry.

Monday, November 30, 2009

What is the meaning?

I suppose it's up to you. (via ache.)