Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Michael Kors / Hanne Gabe Odiele / Alana Zimmer

Michael Kors Pre-Fall 2011 Collection featuring models Hanne Gabe Odiele and Alana Zimmer
My apologies for the lack of posts this week, it's absolutely crazy. I haven't been to sleep before 1 AM in at least a week, and today was the first day in about 3 that I have eaten a legitimate meal. It's horrible, just plain horrible. There's so much homework and stuff going on - I feel like I haven't even seen my friends in two weeks. And I just got a job working a play starting tonight until Sunday, which is great but also just going to be another cause of stress and less sleep. But all of this is just the rest of this week and next week is exams and then I'll be free! So I've just gotta hang on till next Thursday. That's just one more week. I can do that. Hopefully.
Sorry for the mini rant! I hope you didn't waste your time reading it, it's just good to complain a bit sometimes.
Anyways, I am digging the crisp reds and blues in this Michael Kors collection - that all blue outfit - oh man! I'm really feeling colors lately, which is interesting because I'm wearing less and less of them. (Although that's probably a product of the whole paragraph above more than anything else.) ...Here's hoping your week is going better than mine!

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