Monday, June 7, 2010

I Don't Like Mondays

A couple things from I DONT LIKE MONDAYS that I wouldn't mind adding to my closet. I am in love with those cable knit shorts. I would wear those all the time! Unfortunately, they are $153, which is definitely not the kind of money I have to throw around. So for now, I must be content just to dream.


Polina said...

haha i totally have those socks. same colour and everything. i'm pretty classy, they're from h&m :D

love your blog!

fmmp said...

It's for the jewelry I sell, to send it on. So if you're interested : ha. Will update it with some new things later on.. And maybe I will use it to make a laptop purse for my mininotebook.. Thanks by the way for still reading my blog! I've not been updating for a long time, but you are one of the few people who still read my blog ;)

I love your lay-out!

x Femke